Phonotactics of German Dialects

About PhonD2

PhonD2 is a documentation of phonotactic structures on a micro-typological scale. It is intended for the analysis of segment combination. Focusing on dialects (here: German dialects) PhonD2 aims at the regional differences within a single language.

The database follows a simple structure: there is a list of items (lemmas) together with representations in individual dialects according to our database. Phonological analyses focus on sequences of segments, such as CV structures or syllable weight. Our approach should be open to different theoretical approaches, which is why we see our phonological description (e.g., in terms of phonological representation and phonotactic structure) as an offer, not as a finished result. 

The data was compiled from sound files of the “Marburger Phonetisches Archiv” (MRPhA) stored at the Research Center Deutscher Sprachatlas (DSA). The corpus will be successively updated and made publicly available.

The PhonD2 working group in both Marburg and Passau is grateful for the supported of a DFG research grant.

Status of work

PhonD2 is a work in progress! At present, approximately 88 % of the intended sites are processed, i.e. they are phonologically transcribed and phonotactically classified. The corpus contains 68,503 classified records based on spoken language, phonologically represented by both IPA notation and X-Sampa code (see here and here; for an account on the German language see here).

Data correction is ongoing. We appreciate when errors or ambiguities are brought to our attention (contact).


Access is possible geographically (map view and table) and word based. From there, the user will be led to the dialectal realizations and their phonotactic representation. It is always possible to go back to the map or the word list by using the Sites or Words button in the navigation bar.


Please cite this resource as follows:

Lameli, Alfred & Werth, Alexander (eds.).
PhonD2 1.0.
Prepared by Valeria Bunkov & Samantha Link.
Marburg: Research Center Deutscher Sprachatlas.
(Available online at; last updated 2023-07-09)


PhonD2 | 2021

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